Friday, July 22, 2011

Process of packing

Exactly 32 more days/ 4 weeks before I start my adventure in Korea at the University Of Incheon. *CHILL BUMPS* I cant believe its almost that time! so many thoughts are running through my mind like, what will I eat? will I understand when someone is talking to me? How will I get my hair done? And of course the big one: How difference are their classes from the USA??! lol. But I guess these are regular questions for anyone who is leaving their home country and traveling miles and an ocean away! haha But I am so excited. Mostly after getting my congratulation letter from Lander University Dr. Ball where he stated that not only am I representing Lander University but the United States of America! WOWWWWW! well I hope you continue to follow my blogs throughout this experience and I guess I will get back to packing!